I have installed the new xcode version with my last xcode version which made me crazy because my project with some personal frameworks are stopped working :(
When I have checked the Framework code it is giving some strange error; "target specifies product type 'com.apple.product-type.framework.static', but there's no such product type for the 'iphoneos' platform"
After a long long gooooogling in the dark side which did't help me so much. I have found a simple solution, ie;
1) Quit both of XCode versions
2) Switch the active XCode version to the last one (in my case it is; sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer)
3) Reinstall "iOS Real Static Framework"
4) Clean and Build
Do get in touch with me in case you wish to discuss this further. Happy Coding ;)